Sydney Building Management and Projects

Angus House has a dedicated building management team run by Sydney Building Management and Projects who take care of the day-to-day running of the building, including maintenance and building access. Building Management can regularly be found on-site and are available 24/7 in case of an emergency on 02 7255 0475.

Residents are requested to report all non-critical items by email so a record of your enquiry is available.

Phone: 02 7255 0475

Submit an enquiry or request

McCormacks Strata Management

Strata Management takes care of Angus House finances, including levies and budgets, as well as administrative matters such as issuing levy notices or breach of by-law notices. Strata Management should be contacted for any levy or payment enquiries.

Phone: 02 9299 6722

Strata Login

McCormacks Strata Management online portal is available to Angus House owners, letting you pay your levies online and access building information including budgets, by-laws and minutes of Strata Committee or General Meetings.

Log in to the portal

